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Epigenetic DNA testing

Epigenetic DNA testing

To-date it is the only DNA test that offers real-time results that can accurately predict a person’s future health timeline, what diseases one is likely to contract a bit further on down the line, based on DNA markers and current lifestyle choices. Thus giving clients tailored guidance and support to change that future prediction, to the best possible outcome.

We will track your progress

  • Poor
  • Picking Up
  • Feeling Good
  • Feeling Great

Epigenetic DNA testing for all the family

Epigenetic DNA testing

There is nothing more distressing than sitting in front of a doctor receiving bad news about some nasty disease or illness, about yourself or a loved one. Believe me, I’ve been in that situation, it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. There is not a thing on this earth more important the one’s health, but unfortunately, when we’re healthy we take that very much for granted, only realising how important when we lose it. By the time we find out, at the best it can be a tough uphill struggle, worst-case, it can be a fight for survival.

In the space of a few moments hearing such news can turn one’s life upside down, priorities instantly change, routines change. This sometimes means having to take time off work, which just can add financial pressure to an already stressful situation. Whichever way it goes, it’s not pleasant.

I’m sure you can see the value in being able to receive an accurate prediction of a future health timeline, what diseases or illnesses one is likely to contract in the future, heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol stroke etc. From there taking that information, getting together with a qualified professional to install a plan of action, giving one the ability to change that future prediction, creating sustainable lasting change.

To take advantage of this incredible Technology and take back control of your health follow a three-step process below.

Step one,
To take the test, click the “take the test button” to make contact, by phone text or email to set up a call time that suits. On-call, we will spend a few minutes making sure we are compatible, a good fit. This is very important for a successful result.

Step two,
Make a payment. Once payment has been received your first three coaching session dates are set and epigenetic DNA test will be sent directly to your home, with simple instructions to follow and send straight back. The test will take between 6 to 8 weeks to come back, by this time 6 to 8 coaching sessions down the line, you will be well on your way in changing your future health timeline as you will feel the difference. Telephone or text support are offered between sessions.

 Coaching maybe held in person on the telephone FaceTime or Skype.

Step three,

On week 24 the second test is taken, the results will show you without any doubt that you have taken full control of your health and diverted to a more preferable health timeline.